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Bacon Smoked Cheez-Its Recipe

Bacon Smoked Cheez-Its Recipe

Who doesn’t love Cheez-its? Those toasty, crunchy little squares of joy. Why would we ever want to alter them? Because we can add smoke, bacon, and Dan-O’s Seasoning to them! That’s why. So here’s a bacon fat smoked cheez it recipe that’s ready to elevate one of your favorite snacks!

What is neat, is that they sell bacon grease in a jar. How I use it, is I microwave it for maybe 30 seconds for it to liquify. Season the bottom of your pan with it, then brush some on top of your cheese crackers. Yumm. And last but not least, add a nice sprinkle of Dan-O’s Spicy Seasoning to the top. Smoke for about an hour at 175, and that’s all you need!

I didn’t go super heavy with the smoke, but they had a light smokey flavor to them. Definitely get a little bite of bacon, some extra oiliness, and that wonderful flavor of the Dan-O’s. Is that onion, rosemary, garlic, and sea salt I’m tasting? You’re Dan right. You’ll see other smoked cheese-it recipes out there, but we’re the only ones using bacon grease and the best seasoning around!

Yeah, this was fun and it made my heart happy doing it. You can really use any oil you like in this recipe, or regular Dan-O’s… but you don’t want to do that. You want bacon fat smoked cheez-its in your life. Right now!


  • Box of cheese-its
  • Jar of bacon fat / grease
  • Dan-O’s Spicy Seasoning

Preparation Instructions

  1. Preheat your smoker to 175 degrees
  2. Melt some bacon fat down to liquid form
  3. Add fat to the bottom of a cooking sheet or whatever you are smoking on
  4. Add cheez-its to the sheet and brush with melted bacon fat
  5. Apply a nice coating of Dan-O’s Seasoning
  6. Let smoke for about an hour, remove, and enjoy!


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